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Shalom! Today we’re going to learn how to cook under the rules of Jewish law properly. Eating kosher food is an essential part of the Jewish experience. As King Solomon says in the Book of Proverbs, every single one of your deeds should be for the sake of God. All you have to do is design your kitchen in a kosher manner. From the food to the way we make the food, here is a step-by-step Jewish guide on eating spiritually.
Table of Contents
The Basics
First, we must understand the inherent meaning of the word kosher. The word refers to following Biblical laws on what to eat and what not to eat. There are three categories of kosher foods – meat, dairy, and pareve (prepared without meat or milk).
When you buy kosher foods, make sure they are certified as kosher. You should also separate the milk and the meats to maintain pareve elsewhere. Once you understand what kosher foods are, remove any pre-kosher foods from the kitchen. Now, you can design your kitchen in accordance with Jewish law.
Types of Utensils
First, you need an inventory of kitchen items to use. You start by making an appointment with a rabbi to visit your kitchen. They decide which of your utensils are worthy of being kosher. The process, also known as koshering, involves a number of methods. For example, one of these methods includes boiling the utensils in hot water. Before this happens, the rabbi must clean all the counters of the kitchen. The fridge, sinks, and appliances must also be scrubbed thoroughly. Make sure to leave the oven off 24 hours before the procedure; do not use hot water in the sink during this time.
Types of Appliances and Surfaces
Remember to maintain kosher by separating the meats and milk in your kitchen. To do this, you must figure out which countertops are to be used for which product. Meat and dairy products are to be worked in different areas. You can also use different clothes for meat and milk if you plan on using one countertop. Make sure to keep track of which is which.
If you build the countertop from wood, it is important that its coating is not made of shellac, or any non-kosher material – but it is important that it is made of kosher material such as kosher beeswax and other kosher materials for wood coating.
Inside your fridge, you should designate areas for meats and dairy products. The same applies to freezers; it is done to avoid potential leakage. On a side note, do not place hot items within the fridge to prevent contamination.
Types of Stoves and Ovens
Anything which involves heat requires strict precautions. If you can, try using two different stoves to prevent the meat and dairy from mixing. Otherwise, use different pots with securely tightened lids. It’s best to avoid cooking both types simultaneously to avoid potential splatter from the foods.
Like stoves, it’s best to use different types of ovens for each of the kosher categories. If you are unable to do so, try toaster ovens and portable boilers. Ovens with a certain designation should only be used for that designation, i.e., dairy does not mix with a meat oven. Make sure both the stoves and ovens are also cleaned regularly.
Types of Sinks
Like everything else in the kitchen, try to use separate sinks for different kosher categories; adjoined sinks should have separation to prevent water from splashing to the other side. If you only have one sink, make sure to clean it before and after you use it.
Never put kosher food into non-kosher sinks. If you use a sink that is both stainless steel and kosher, it’s fine. You can also replace non-kosher sinks with kosher ones online.
Eating and Drinking with God
Observing kosher laws is an important act of awareness of God. To follow these strict Jewish laws is to be mindful of what you eat and how you prepare your food. Eating kosher food as a Jew is as essential as mammals breathing air.
To match your lifestyle with Biblical scripture, bring in a rabbi to inspect your kitchen. From there, they can assist you in the koshering process; always ask for help if need be. Make sure to regularly clean everything in your kitchen and separate between meat and dairy products. Once you design your kitchen this way, you can enjoy kosher food responsibly.