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What is Lovingkindness in Hebrew?

What is lovingkindness in Hebrew? The word is used in Exodus 34:6-7 of the NASB. Other versions use words like goodness, mercy, and love. The word hesed describes an emotion that connects to salvation, binds relationship between people, and endures for all time. If you were to try to define lovingkindness in English, you would probably come up with several words.


The Hebrew word chesed, which is related to the concept of love, is used to describe God’s covenantal relationship with mankind. It can be translated as steadfast love, which implies unwavering loyalty. It is distinguished from mercy, which is more akin to compassion. While there are many ways to express chesed, the most common use is to describe God’s lovingkindness, mercy, or goodness.

“Chesed” is a characteristic of God, and a quality of His people. It is described in Micah 6:8 and Zech 7:9. God’s covenant-keeping is a reflection of hesed, which is manifested in acts of kindness and mercy toward fellow humans. The word chesed can be translated as “faithfulness” or “merciful love,” which means that God loves us unconditionally.

The Jewish tradition teaches that chesed is a core ethical virtue. The word is often used with other attributes of God. Reading the Scriptures that highlight His character can be a real faith builder. In addition to Bible dictionaries, a concordance can help you search the Bible for the word chesed. It is also useful to use a Bible program that contains a concordance.

“Chesed” is often translated as “mercies.” But in the Hebrew Bible, hesed is almost synonymous with God’s covenant promises. When used as a part of a covenant, hesed often means “favors” or “good things.” This is the primary reason that God’s’mercies’ are so common. It is a good sign that the Hebrew language emphasizes this relationship between covenants and lovingkindness.


The Hebrew word for lovingkindness is chesed. It is a term that describes the devotional piety of individuals towards God and their fellow humans, and it frequently occurs in the Psalms. Chesed is also an adjective that is typically translated into English as loving kindness. In the modern English Bible, the word is often rendered as unfailing love or mercy. However, it is not a direct translation of the Hebrew word.

Beriyth refers to a deep feeling of kindness toward others, and is often triggered by the plight of those who are weak and unable to fight for themselves. In the Old Testament, God’s lovingkindness is exalted, and is a fundamental element of the covenant that God makes with His people. The psalm Ps 136 echoes this idea.

Though the word “lovingkindness” is sometimes used to describe actions toward another, it is most often referred to in the Bible as a characteristic of God. This attribute is found in many places in Scripture, and many verses praise God for His lovingkindness. Micah 7:18 mentions God’s lovingkindness, and Psalm 138:2 praises him for his “goodness.” Moreover, beriyth seems to suggest that God is fundamentally good and compassionate, and that He has compassion for all creation.

Moreover, the Hebrew word for lovingkindness has another meaning. In Greek, it is translated as “covenant,” according to Vine. “A covenant is a binding agreement between a person and a God. It is a form of a contract that involves a mutual commitment to act according to one’s wishes. This concept is also referred to as diatheke, which is a word that refers to a person’s will.


In the Old Testament, lovingkindness is often translated as “chesed,” the Hebrew word for love. It refers to God’s love for humanity and the devotional piety of his people. The word is frequently used in the Psalms, where it is translated as “loving kindness.” While many English translations substitute the term’merciful’ or’merciful’ for chesed, there is no exact translation for this Hebrew word.

Hesed is often used in the context of a covenant, such as the covenant between God and Israel. The covenant, which is based on love, focuses on the notion of belonging together. The word also connotes God’s faithfulness toward his wayward people. In fact, hesed was considered one of God’s most important attributes, as it refers to his unconditional love.

God’s lovingkindness was one of the strongest ties between mankind and the Creator. Yahweh’s lovingkindness was magnified throughout the Old Testament. In Psalm 136, the refrain “For his lovingkindness endureth forever” is repeated many times. In Deuteronomy 7:12 and 2 Samuel 7:15, Yahweh’s lovingkindness is often associated with the covenant he made with his people. It was a way to be certain of God’s unfailing love for His people.

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God’s lovingkindness is abundant, great, and unending. In addition, it knows no bounds. Psalm 57:10 refers to God’s hesed as his benevolence toward all of his creatures. It is the underlying principle behind all OT practices, including communion, deliverance, enabling, guidance, and hope. We cannot imagine a God without lovingkindness.


The concept of God in the Hebrew language is a complex one. It includes a concept of beginning, end, and everything in between. God is also the Creator, Sustainer, Ruler of all, and Holy Judge of the Universe. The nature of God calls for judgment, but He also displays a characteristic of lovingkindness. It is this character that makes us model the character of God.

While the word is not used in a literal sense in the Bible, it is often translated as “lovingkindness.” In the LXX, this word is translated as “covenant loyalty.” The same word also translates as “faithfulness.” In addition, the term can mean “good favor” or “unfailing love.”

The word patience has many definitions, but the most common is “patient.” Patience is the spirit of enduring through adversity, and it is the opposite of anger. Without patience, wrath and revenge can develop. Thus, patience is an essential spiritual virtue. When we express love for our neighbor, we are demonstrating the character of God. The Bible emphasizes the importance of love for all people, including those we encounter in our daily lives.

The Greek word for love is agape, and it is derived from the word enkratea, which means “inner strength.” In the context of the New Testament, the word makrothumia has a negative connotation of forced acceptance or resignation. However, the Hebrew word translates to “lovingkindness.” In fact, it is often translated as lovingkindness.


While the word is often translated as ‘lovingkindness’ in English, the meaning of the word is not quite as simple. While it describes actions towards others, the word is usually used to describe God’s character. Throughout the Bible, we see the concept of lovingkindness as being inherent to God, and is a characteristic of the Creator. This characteristic is noted in numerous passages, including Psalm 138:2 and Micah 7:18. In both cases, the word seems to be used to describe God’s basic goodness and compassion for all creation.

One of the best ways to understand the meaning of this term is to study it. Although the term “kindness” is often used to describe general acts of generosity, it is most meaningful in terms of the attitude of covenant parties. In this context, “lovingkindness” serves to represent God’s desire to bind His people to Himself. The Old Testament is a great example of this principle, and Psalm 136 echoes it throughout its 26 verses.

The term “lovingkindness” is often associated with covenants in the Hebrew Bible. For example, in Dt 7:12, hesed is related to God’s unconditional covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The term also occurs in 2Sa 7:15. However, the nation of Israel did not exhibit this characteristic, resulting in the Lord’s controversy and call for repentance. In contrast, Cheyne regards hesed as paternal affection and filial love.


The Hebrew word racham can refer to several different things, including the utterance of a kind word to a friend or a stranger. The Septuagint translates the word as “agapao,” meaning unselfish love, but it can also refer to God’s unconditional love for His people. Isaiah 9:17, for example, uses the word racham to describe the northern kingdom of Judah, whose rulers have allied themselves with the pagan Syrians. In other words, God takes no pleasure in the Northern Kingdom, and the Lord shows no pity on orphans.

Both chesed and racham are used to describe the actions of a person, but they are most commonly used to describe the character of the Lord. There are several places in Scripture that speak of the Lord’s lovingkindness. Micah 7:18 and Psalm 138:2 mention God’s lovingkindness, and these texts express the same ideas about the character of God. While this is a difficult translation for English-speaking readers, we can try to make sense of the words in context.

The word racham is also translated as “mercy.” It is the origin of the word Ruhamah in Hos. 2:1 and is a term that Jacob used to describe the feelings he had when he sent Benjamin to Egypt. Racham describes a crucial element of God’s character – mercy. He shows mercy to those who deserve it. David uses this word to describe the heartfelt concern of a person in need.

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