
The Word For Grandmother in Hebrew

The word for grandmother in Hebrew is savta, or "grandma." The pronunciation of the word is similar to English, but…

2 years ago

The Hebrew Word For Life

The Hebrew word for life is hai. It is often written as SHamah or pikuach nefesh. Its first occurrence is…

2 years ago

Numbers in Hebrew

Hebrew numerals are a unique system that uses the Hebrew alphabet, dating back to 800 BCE. Let’s jump right in!…

3 years ago

Ma Nishtana – Important Part of Passover

Singing the Ma Nishtana is a traditional part of the Seder meal at Passover. Also called the Four Questions, the…

4 years ago

Lecha Dodi: Symbolism & Significance

A symbolic hymn to greet the sabbath, “Lecha Dodi” remains an influential part of celebrating Shabbat. “Lecha Dodi” is a…

4 years ago

The Five Megillah of The Ketuvim

Come in and explore the five megillahs of the Ketuvim, ancient scrolls passed down through the generations to spread the…

4 years ago

Rosh Hashanah Greetings

What is the best way to say Happy New Year during Rosh Hashanah? Read on to find out about Rosh…

4 years ago

Sayeret Matkal: an Elite Israeli Special Operations Force

When thinking of a highly specialized counterterrorism force, you might think of the Green Berets or Delta Force. Read on…

4 years ago

Shabbat shalom meaning in Hebrew

"Shabbat shalom" is a Hebrew greeting that means "Sabbath peace." It is typically used to wish someone a peaceful and…

4 years ago

Shalom Aleichem: Greeting Friends and Angels

Shalom Aleichem is a traditional Jewish phrase to greet friends and family throughout the week. However, many also use it…

4 years ago