Tefillin – What do tefillin symbolize in Judaism?

What do tefillin symbolize in Judaism?

Tefillin of the hand symbolize the actions of man, tefillin of the head symbolize his thoughts. Because the person has different ideas and opinions, the tefillin of the head divided into four separate cells called houses, but since one’s actions must united with the spirit of Jewish tradition, there is only one cell in the phylacteries of the hand.

What are the parashiyot inserted into the tefillin?

The Tefillin of the hand of all the four parashiyot (Kodesh Kodesh Lei Kol Bechor, Parashat Vayehu HaYeshavach, Parshas Shema Yisroel, and Parshat Vayeitu Shamua) are written in one parchment after Parsha, while the tefillin of the head of each parsha written on another parchment. Parchment enters a separate cell inside the head tefillin.

What is the order of the written parshiot?

There are four methods for arranging the parashiyot in the head tefillin:

The first parasha located on the left side, the second on the right and the left).

The method of Rashi: The order of the parashiyot in Tefillin of Rosh is identical to the order of the Rashi method, but here the first parasha is on the right side of the supplicant (the opposite of the order of the Rashi method).

The method of Rabbeinu Tam: According to Rabbeinu Tam, the order of parshiot is different from Rashi’s, and their order is the portion of Kadesh. ).

The Ra’avad method: In this method, the order of the parshiot in the Tefillin of the head is like the Rivu system, but the order of the assumption reversed. The first parasha placed on the right side of the supplicant.

There is no uniform practice regarding the preposition of tefillin before the age of 13, but most of the time it is customary to teach Tefillin to train the Tefillin and Dinah and to fulfill the mitzvah on the day he enters the mitzvah.

In the Tefillin of the hand there are two methods for arranging the writing of secretions:
Rashi: In the order in which they are written in the Torah, “sanctify me all the firstborn” and “let it bring you,” “Shema Yisrael” and “Be the mother of hearing.”

Rabbeinu Tam: Rabbeinu Tam disagrees with Rashi’s method in the last two psalms, and the order he established is “sanctify me all the firstborn,” “and he shall bring you”;

Finally, the Shulchan Aruch ruled that one should assume Rashi’s opinion because this is the custom of the world, but those who fear G-d place both Tefillin of Rashi and Tefillin Rabbenu Tam (Tefillin wrote according to the order of Rabbeinu Tam).

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